How to Prepare Your Student for Online Learning

It is hard to remember that everyone in our life is struggling to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in one way or the other. We are all living in unprecedented times, and it is normal for everyone, including your children, to feel a bit unsettled with our daily life. This is especially true for children going to school and adapting to online learning.

It doesn’t matter if your child is attending a public charter school, a high school, or an elementary school, making the transition from in-person learning to online schooling can be quite difficult for learners of all ages. Here are some tips on how to help your child adequately prepare for virtual learning.

Create a designated workspace.


We understand that when schools originally transitioned from in-person to virtual learning during the school year, it was common for parents to have to throw together a makeshift desk space. But unfortunately, a child going to school won’t learn properly if their desk is on the kitchen table or on the couch in their pajamas or nightgown. A child needs structure, and the best way to enforce this is to set up a space that is just for them. Creating a separate workspace is an easy way to alleviate distractions, stress, and conflict that can come from multiple people learning and working in the same place.

In general, we suggest you creating about three separate areas to ensure as much student achievement as possible. One area should be a comfy reading nook, one should be a desk for class, and another should be a table so they can put their head down and do their assignments. If you are stumped at what to do or you need some inspiration on creating the best learning environment for your child, contact your charter academy programs for more information.

Get up and get moving.


At school, your child is up and moving all the time, especially middle school and high school students who are moving from classroom to classroom. So make sure that physical activity is a priority throughout the day when they are working from home! This could be anything from taking a quick walk around the block during your lunch break to doing 10 jumping jacks between each virtual learning lesson. Getting up and moving will increase your child’s energy, as well as rushing blood to the brain, which will boost focus and concentration.

Develop a routine every morning.


It can be all too easy for your child to roll out of bed every morning and go right to class. But any student needs a routine to stick to, and this is especially important when they are learning from home. So make sure they change out of their sleep shirts and pajamas when they wake up, get them in the shower, and feed them a nutritious breakfast. To make it even easier, have some ready shirts and ready outfits in their dresser to ensure easy and quick dressing. Starting their day like they would be normally going to school is key for getting them in the right mindset for the rest of the day.

Plan ahead for hiccups during the day.


We are all learning how to cope with going virtual, and this means your teachers and your school districts are just figuring it out as well. This means that not everything will go smoothly for the first days of virtual school, and that is ok! Just be prepared for some hiccups such as your learning platforms crashing or your wifi going in and out with everyone in your house using the same connection. The best you can do is to prepare yourself for this, and stay calm and with a clear head. This way you won’t be overwhelmed when something out of the norm happens.

With these tips in mind, both you and your child will be ready to take on virtual learning this school year.