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5 Affordable Things to Do With Your Children This Summer

If the coronavirus pandemic has put a lot of your plans for summer family fun on pause, you may be at your wit’s end when it comes to suitable replacements. Especially when considering the economic impact the coronavirus has had on millions of Americans, it becomes even more important to find ways to spend time with your children that don’t break the bank but still provide fun for everyone.

If you’re a parent on a budget, you don’t have to make that many sacrifices when it comes to planning an enjoyable summer for your children. Here are five affordable things to do with your children this summer that will help you make a lifetime of memories in just a few sunny months.

Have a pool installed

If you want to have years of fun with your family, having a pool installed in your backyard can be an excellent option that makes summer something you and your children will look forward to each year. Whether you purchase an above ground pool or have an inground pool installed, the maintenance costs each year are quite affordable, especially when you consider what you could be paying for a country club membership or other swimming facilities. Pools can be dangerous, though, so it’s important to secure the appropriate safety materials. Purchasing a net, children fences, or pool covers to keep kids out when you or other adults aren’t able to supervise them is a way to keep everyone enjoying your pool safely for many summers to come.

Head on a road trip

If you’re getting antsy or a little stir crazy, a road trip might be in order. If you’re not comfortable staying in a hotel along the way, consider stopping at a few campsites along the way. You can even get an RV in order to have a place to stay and use the bathroom during your road trip, too. One way to protect your purchase in an RV is to buy an RV warranty that will cover any costs associated with a breakdown not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. The best RV warranty will be one that covers a wide range of expensive mechanical breakdowns in order to keep you and your family rolling for many miles.

Check out a few National Parks

Heading to a National Park in your area is a great day trip to kill a few hours outside of the house. Many National Parks have reduced capacities during the pandemic, meaning that you and your family can enjoy a nice place to hike without having to worry as much about others. If you pack a picnic, you can even have an outdoor lunch, adding to the enjoyment and saving you the cost of a trip through the drive-thru for fast food.

Take in some online arts and culture

Even though many museums and theatres are limited in what they can offer their guests in-person, they’re still doing plenty to offer online digital content for families. Whether it’s enjoying some streaming performances from Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre or visiting the Art Institute of Chicago virtually, many organizations are offering free arts and cultural opportunities for families looking to experience something outside the four walls of their living room. If you subscribed as a member to any museums before the pandemic hit, it’s worth reaching out to member services to see if there’s anything else they’re offering, too, to make the most of the money you’ve already spent.

Make recyclable crafts

Were you someone who bought a lot of toilet paper at the start of the pandemic and now have a lot of cardboard tubes from empty rolls? There are plenty of recyclable crafts that can put the boxes from your Amazon orders and other household materials to use. Whether you’re making an egg carton caterpillar or a rocketship out of a large cardboard box, it’s easy and inexpensive to get creative with your recyclables!

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